By Pitney Bowes / 2023-11-29 / Topics : PostageSavings , USPSPromotions , MailInnovation , EfficientDelivery
Discovering new avenues to alleviate the increasing expenses associated with mailing is crucial in today's business landscape. One effective approach to achieving postage savings involves presorting your mail based on Zip code density. By doing so before handing it over to USPS®, you unlock the opportunity to receive valuable postage discounts. The magnitude of the discount grows with the volume of mail destined for each Zip code. Pitney Bowes Presort Services, as the world's second-largest mailer and the primary workshare partner of USPS®, streamlines this process for you.
By strategically combining presorting strategies and capitalizing on USPS promotions, businesses can significantly optimize their mailing expenses and enhance the effectiveness of their communication channels.